If there's one thing I am not looking forward to, it's the end of the Harry Potter series. Yes I am excited to watch the next film, but the fact that it's the last one is just too hard to think about. I can never put into words how much Harry Potter means to me. I admit I only started reading the books after the first film came out, but that doesn't make the impact the books have made in my life any lesser. I was about to turn eleven when the first movie came out, and I guess that's what makes me so attached to the whole Harry Potter world - I felt like I grew up with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Anyway, I've made it a point to re-read all the books and watch all the previous movies before I watch the last film. I am currently 28% along the seventh one and I don't know how to feel. A part of me wants to read everything fast since I still have to watch the films on top of everything else I do, and the movie's in 6 days so that doesn't leave me much time. But also, I really don't want it to end. I always feel like this about books that I like. I never want them to end.
I am attending my cousin (from my mom's side) and uncle's (from dad's side) first child's baptism tomorrow as a godmother! That would make Anika my third godchild! I wanted to give my cousin something too since it would be her birthday on the same day as the baptism, so I ordered cake pops from
Skinny Sweets and had them personalized.

Look at how big that is! The Starbuck's version of it doesn't even come close! Plus, they're vegan (soy-based/dairy-free, no eggs) and low in sugar (you have the option to make them sugar-free). Lookie, even Lucille wants to taste them, and she's not even supposed to be attracted to anything chocolate as it is poison to them!

Speaking of my cat, she's turned one last week and she's been in heat since then. It's so disturbing.