About Me

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An anti-social interior design student who finds pleasure in bullying boys, obsessively re-applying a top coat of nail lacquer everyday and reading books, and believes in obscure things like the power of a good massage and happy endings.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Book Haul v.3

I haven't done a book haul post in a while.

I went a little crazy the two times I've been to a Booksale the past couple of weeks. Oh sure if you compare it to how I was before, I'm much better at controlling myself now. I think. Anyway, I like books. Doesn't matter if it's brand new or second-hand, I love them all the same.

And I went to a trip to Fullybooked in High Street after a doctor's appointment at St. Luke's and a quick lunch at Thai Silk. That day was also the day the Horcrux Hunt event was held. A got a few new books.

Although if I knew then that NBS and Powerbooks were having a sale I would've gone there instead. Oh well. Another time.

I got a new container for my nail polish bottles so they're all displayed upright since the box was just the right height. No need to stack them up anymore. Although I underestimated my collection and only bought one which fit maybe half of my collection. It's not much, but believe me if nail lacquers were as expensive as second-hand books I'd be having more of them.

I got my first three bottles of local polish and I like them. They're really cheap, too! Maybe I should buy more of those first.